
Around Alfama Apartments

Around Flores Apartment

To Sintra from Alfama Apartments

To Sintra from Flores Apartment

To the Beaches

from Alfama Apartments

To the beaches

From Flores Apartment

To Cascais

From Alfama Apartments

To Cascais
From Flores Apartment


We want you to have the best possible experience in Lisbon, our beloved city. So, we collected information about places to sightseeing, eating, drinking and having fun around the Alma Mater apartments.

If you have time and you want to visit other places around Lisbon, like Sintra or Cascais, or you want to go to one of the many wonderful beaches near Lisbon, scroll down the menu on the left, to discover how to do it moving from the apartments.

We hope you will find this information useful and we are pretty sure that you will end up loving Lisbon as much as we do!